Issue Position: Standing Up for Women

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Jamie knows that women's healthcare should not be treated as a subset of our nation's health care. Affordable, accessible reproductive health care should never take a backseat. The Arkansas legislature has voted time and time again to unconstitutionally restrict a woman's right to choose. Jamie understands that such a decision should be between a woman, her doctor, and her faith. Instead of diminishing women's rights, Jamie will promote reality-based, comprehensive reproductive education and support patient's rights and access to low-cost reproductive care.

Women in Arkansas make 82 cents for every dollar men make. Nationally, women of color are paid just 64 cents to every dollar men are paid. More than 150,000 households in Arkansas are headed by women. They and all women deserve equal access to a prosperous life for their hard work. Jamie will fight for legislation in Arkansas that eliminates the wage gap.
