Issue Position: Disabilities

Issue Position

In the 25 years following the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with disabilities have made great progress towards achieving equality in housing, employment, and access to services. Unfortunately, it has become clear that adults with disabilities are still targets of discrimination. We must recognize that more work must be done to ensure that this population is both protected and empowered.

During my tenure in the Senate, I have proudly supported legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. I have also advocated for greater housing to help ease the hardships on the disabled, their families, and the organizations who work to provide services to these individuals. Furthermore, I have been a consistent supporter of funding for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program, which helps people with disabilities afford the housing they need.

Massachusetts can and should continue its legacy of progress and inclusion. We can do that by passing legislation that helps to ensure that all of our citizens are treated equally under the law. As State Senator, I will continue to be a defender of civil rights to ensure that every resident of Massachusetts receives the respect they deserve.
