Issue Position: Responsible State Budgeting

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

I am a budget professional and have worked on budgets of all sizes, for state and local governments, school districts, and non-profit organizations big and small. State budgets are not easily understood from the outside and should not be treated as abstract political games. State budgets are complex expressions of our collective public priorities. I will work with colleagues to identify budget efficiencies, as I did as a school board member and a higher education budget staffer. I will also look for ways to fuel change and opportunity by targeting investments where they'll have a big impact, to programs that support people, families, and communities in meaningful ways. Finally, I will work to ensure that as a state we meet our financial obligations to employees & retirees, infrastructure needs, and environmental challenges. I can't wait to dig into the state budget with colleagues to create responsible, effective state budgets.
