Issue Position: Environment and Cultural Resources

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

--Coastal Risks and Hazards Commission
Sea level rise, coastal storm inundation, and river flooding is the greatest challenge facing seacoast New Hampshire, so Sen. Watters took the lead in establishing a broad-based commission to recommend policies for climate adaptation. (Website link, and Community Climate Commentary, link to bill)

--Protecting the Great Bay and Wastewater Treatment
Working with the Coalition of Communities, Sen. Watters introduced a bill to force the Department of Environmental Services and the Environmental Protection Agency to review the science used to set nitrogen discharge levels from treatment plants, saving Dover millions of dollars for unneeded treatment. A new spirit of partnership means the Great Bay will be healthy for future generations. (Great Bay findings, and Community Environment Leadership Commentary)

--Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
One of New Hampshire's "saltwater senators," Sen. Watters has taken the lead in sustaining fisheries by serving as the legislative commissioner on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Its mission is to rebuild and maintain healthy populations of commercial and recreational species, including lobsters, shrimp, striped bass, and herring. (ASMFC annual report)

--Protecting Wildlife
Sen. Watters' legislation passes to save the loons by reducing lead fishing tackle and to stop poaching of American Eels. (Read Story)

--Historic Preservation and Conservation Funding
Long a leader in historic preservation and land conservation, Sen. Watters extended an energy conservation and historic buildings tax credit program, helped restore funding for the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program, and serves on the Moose license plate advisory committee. (LCHIP, Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive)
