Issue Position: Health Care and the Opioid Crisis

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Drugs

--Treating the Opioid Epidemic
Senator Watters was the first Senator to endorse New Futures NH's 5-point plan to treat the opioid epidemic. He has been a strong advocate for age-appropriate drug and alcohol education in K-12 schools, and strongly supports Medicaid Expansion, which currently is helping 7500 Granite Staters access substance use disorder treatments.

--Medicaid Expansion
A bipartisan compromise expands health care to over 50,000 low-income New Hampshire residents under the Affordable Care Act at no cost to the state budget. Sen. Watters fought for expansion under a unique New Hampshire solution. (link to Community Commentary)

--Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention . . .
An advocate for expanded treatment and prevention programs for drug and alcohol abuse, especially among youth, Sen. Watters' bill revises the mission of the Governor's Council and supports funding for its strategic plan. (link to Council bill, New Futures)

--Women's Health Access Protection
Sen. Watters cosponsored SB to provide women with safe and unimpeded access to reproductive health care facilities. (link to supported bill)
