Issue Position: On Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Energy

And with regards to energy, how the economy develops in the state is tied to cost of energy. We have some of the highest utility rates in the country. We do not have the typical energy resources of our own and consequently, we have been importing about 90% of our energy. Emphasis on clean energy is helping to change that. But it remains that the high cost of energy is a factor that businesses consider when looking to move to New Hampshire and subsequently where young people look to follow jobs. We have made progress in addressing these issues, but we need to continue on that path in the face of continuing resistance.

We know we need to increase our energy efficiency and at the same time protect the environment. The two are not mutually exclusive. When we take a power plant off-line, we need to find a way to replace that power, which we can do cleanly and efficiently. Working together we can common ground and agreement.
