Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript: Interview with Ron DeSantis


Date: Oct. 29, 2018
Issues: Taxes Elections


HANNITY: And joining us now, Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ron DeSantis who would like to replace Rick Scott.

You know, I'm looking at your opponent, if you don't mind me going through. Supported by Bernie Sanders, which is interesting. Financed by all of these rich billionaires on the far, far left. A 40 percent increase in the corporate tax rate he supports. Wants to eliminate stand your ground. Against all of the president immigration policies, wants to abolish ICE, and supports the impeachment of Trump and he is corrupt. Didn't he take free tickets from the FBI undercover guys?

REP. RON DESANTIS, R-FLA.: Yes. Actually, he's taken more than that. There was a $1,000 ticket to a show to a Broadway show he took--


HANNITY: Hamilton, that's right.

DESANTIS: yes, from an undercover agent posing as c contractor with the city. But then the lobbyist who arrange that junket also paid for Gillum to go and have this luxury stay in Costa Rica which is worth about $1,000. And then what happened was Mayor Gillum turned around and gave that same lobbyist a contract with the city for $2 million. So, it's quintessential pay to play municipal corruption.

And by the way, that undercover FBI agent, new documents that came out the other day, he actually under-wrote a Gillum fund-raiser for $4,300. Gillum never disclosed that but these documents prove it. So, there is now doubt that there's corruption in Tallahassee. It is one of the most corrupt cities in Florida. It also has the highest crime rate in Florida. And this is a guy who has taken a pledge attacking our men and women in law enforcement. He will not standby them.

HANNITY: One of the reasons Florida has prospered, no state income tax. I know Rick Scott brought a lot of business to Florida. If you got a 40 percent increase in your business taxes, you're not going to have anybody coming into Florida. They're all going to leave to friendlier tax states.

DESANTIS: We'll lose jobs. We'll lose jobs, we'll lose businesses. And all of the flow of investment that we're prime to get particularly on the heels of the federal tax bill in getting rid of the SALT that will come to a screeching halt. But here is the thing, Sean. He would raise more taxes than just that. That's just what he's touting you--


HANNITY: Well, let me ask you his. What did he say about the police, he is not a big fan of the police I read?

DESANTIS: He said police and prisons have no place in justice. It's outrageous.

HANNITY: My gosh. All right. Ron DeSantis, another close race. Florida is very tight. These are two races I'm paying close attention to. Wish you all the best, congressman as you run for governor.

