Issue Position: Job Creation & Economic Opportunity

Issue Position

​​Massachusetts has a thriving economic engine, with leading Life Sciences, Finance, Information Technology, Higher Education, and Advanced Manufacturing sectors. But we also have a severe deficit of skilled labor, and the sixth highest rate of income inequality in the nation. It is imperative that we create pathways to success and employment opportunities for residents of all skills levels. Widely available vocational and technical education is key, as well as support of small business ownership and downtown economies. We must have the vision to anticipate the effects of automation, such as robotics and autonomous vehicles, on our workforce and be prepared with appropriate job training to enable displaced workers to succeed.

As a legislator, I will always support the right to collective bargaining. I see the role of a legislator as multifaceted -- co-sponsoring and supporting pro-labor legislation, walking picket lines in support of workers, advocating for workers when facing problematic employers, and using the office as a bully pulpit to further the goals of working women and men.
