Issue Position: Education

Issue Position


With his daughter Sophia in the eight grade, Jerry understands one of the most essential functions of our state and local government is providing quality public education. He is grateful for the quality public education he received growing up in Beverly, and will support efforts to improve quality in the system for today's youth.

Jerry understands that local aid is vital to our City and helps Beverly provide top-notch education to its students. Beverly has received increased funds for our schools in each of the budgets Jerry has been in office and he will fight to continue this trend. Jerry has been instrumental in helping secure nearly $50 million in state funds to build the new state-of-the-art middle school.

Higher Education

Massachusetts is home to many prestigious colleges and universities, attracting students from around the world. Yet, tuition costs are out of reach for many local families. Jerry voted for legislation that provides up to a $2,000 tax deduction for those that invest in so-called 529 education and pre-paid tuition plans. Jerry understands how expensive college can be, and Jerry himself worked in construction for several years to save money to enroll at Emerson College, and eventually go to Law School. Jerry supports our public colleges and universities in their efforts to provide high quality education affordable to all, and supported a budget that froze tuition and fees at our state colleges for two years.
