Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Our responsibility as citizens to look after one another is summed up in these two words. Health care must be affordable, accessible, and equitable for every Missourian. A person's income should decide whether or not to remove their belly fat, not whether or not they can afford to remove a cancerous tumor. No one should go bankrupt, lose their job, or lose their home because of necessary medical bills. We must commit as a society to a system of health care delivery that prevents economic catastrophe resulting from an illness or injury. We must expand Medicaid so that no Missourian loses their health, or their life, because they can't afford medical treatment. Medicaid expansion benefits urban and rural Missourians alike, and right now rural hospitals are feeling the biggest pinch. Yet another issue where we stand to gain bipartisan support if we approach the issue from the right perspective.
