Issue Position: Affordable Healthcare For All Minnesotans

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As a small business owner I know healthcare isn't just a problem for our families but also for our economy. Healthcare must be affordable and accessible for everyone. Unfortunately, our healthcare system is failing. D.C. politicians refuse to stabilize the market and Republicans in St. Paul reluctantly pursue inefficient half-measures. We need a new solution. Not just finger-pointing and band aid solutions.

All Minnesota families should be able to find a simple, affordable healthcare plan. The next Steve Jobs shouldn't be deterred from starting a company in his garage because of the messiness of healthcare. And no one should have to choose between healthcare and paying the rent. I will work with anyone in the Legislature willing to help lower costs and improve care. I will make health care reform my highest priority starting with negotiating lower drug prices and expanding MinnesotaCare to small business and individuals.
