Issue Position: Environmental Justice

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

Neighborhoods in our district and throughout the city have rates of asthma, lead poisoning and other environmental risks that are shocking and untenable. We need to better fund clean-up efforts, create greater public education around these issues, and create policy that will lessen and eliminate these health risks.

Fully funding sustainable multimodal transportation solutions for drivers, pedestrians, bikers, and public transit users will be central to building healthy communities across our city and state.

I will promote a greater reliance on green energy. As we move towards more use of renewable energy sources, I will still recognize that many working families rely on the fossil fuel industry for jobs, and I believe it's our responsibility to create green jobs and training programs that will make sure our communities are supported in the transition to a more sustainable economy.

I will pursue green job creation, a cleaner environment and be a voice for these issues in the state legislature, as this will be the face of future of growth in a changing economy responding to the pressures of climate change.
