Issue Position: Build healthy and secure communities

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Implement a single-payer universal healthcare system in Minnesota.

Fight for reproductive and gender justice in healthcare including expanding access to birth control, trans therapy, and affordable reproductive healthcare--including childbirth, post-partum, abortions, and long-term birth control procedures. Address disparities in maternal and infant mortality.

Reduce carbon emissions with a goal of 85% renewable energy by 2035, provide support to cities for mandated lead testing, fight back against the Line 3 Pipeline and dangerous mining in Northern Minnesota, and provide reparations for communities harmed by environmental racism.

Address the opioid crisis from a public health perspective by:
1. holding the pharmaceutical industry accountable.
2. funding culturally-competent treatment programs that don't separate families,
3. and investing in harm reduction strategies such as safe injection sites.

Develop cross-jurisdictional strategies to expand safe harbor protections to adult women victims of sex trafficking and make sex work safe and legal.
