Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Under Governor Beshear, Kentucky took steps forward to providing affordable and accessible health insurance for every Kentuckian. As a result, the uninsured population is now less than seven percent. KYnect provides Kentucky with local control and accountability vs. a Federal exchange not specifically designed to service Kentucky's needs. The health care exchange itself is paid for by insurance companies via policy premiums, and as a result, there is more competition for health insurance plans than ever before. This helps small businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals who buy health insurance.

That said, the cost of health insurance and healthcare services is still a challenge and a top priority for Al Gentry as a state representative. We must continue to demand accountability from health care providers and provide the oversight and scrutiny needed to bring costs down in Kentucky. As more people have access to a doctor, health care services, and preventive care, Kentucky will become a healthier state.
