Issue Position: Jobs & the Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As an entrepreneur and businessman, Al Gentry will be a strong leader, continuing the fight to strengthen our economy, working for tax cuts and hiring incentives for small businesses, and investing in programs that build and strengthen our workforce, making Kentucky open for businesses to innovate, grow and hire people at good, living wages.

Al Gentry, a former member of the Teamsters Union 89, has been working in the private sector for over 20 years. After losing his right arm in a workplace accident 23 years ago at age 28, he refused to slow down, and became more energized to fight for what's right, and help those in need. He believes that government's job is to create the climate for strong businesses and reward those who invest in the people of Kentucky. He strongly opposes Right to Work and supports the right of employees to collectively bargain for quality wages and benefits, and increased safety in the workplace. Al supports an increase to the minimum wage.
