Issue Position: Public Safety and Civil Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

I am proud of my record in protecting the safety of our children and our community, while protecting the civil rights and liberties of all Marylanders.

Transparency and Election Reform
My Election Day Voter Registration bill, something I've been working on for the better part of 10 years, passed the house and will be on its way to the senate. This would allow Maryland residents to register and vote at their polling place on the day of the election, similar to what is currently offered during the early voting period. This opens up voting to new residents, college students, and others who may not have been able to register or change their registration in time. Hand in hand with that bill is SARA, the Secure and Accessible Registration Act, from fellow Montgomery County rep, Delegate Eric Luedtke. This bill redesignates electronic voter registration agencies as automatic voter registration agencies, making the registration process easier for all Marylanders. It is absolutely critical if we want to see real, substantial change take place that everyone who can vote, does.

In response to the FCC's decision to repeal net neutrality protections, I proposed a bill to safeguard internet usage in Maryland, similar to what Governor Jay Inslee proposed for the state of Washington. Internet providers shouldn't be able to charge people more based on what sites they visit, and consumers should be able to decide what companies can do with their personal information.

Firearm Safety
In supermajority and bipartisan fashion, I proudly joined by colleagues in passing three pieces of legislation dealing with firearms. Inspired by the unfortunate events in Las Vegas, put into place a "bump stock ban" outlawing accessories such as bumpstocks, hellfire triggers, trigger cranks, and other accessories that modify semi-automatic weapons to fire in a manner similar to fully automatic weapons. Extreme risk protective orders for domestic violence would require convicted domestic abusers to surrender their weapons. Red Flag law would allow family, mental health professionals and others to intervene before gun owners hurt anyone, including themselves.

Maryland has already banned the sale of military-style assault rifles and extended clips, as well as requiring firearms training prior to purchase, which I was proud to support.

Domestic violence protections
We have been working in Annapolis to provide more protection for victims of domestic violence, as well as sexual harassment. No one should ever have to feel unsafe at their place of work or in their own home. We are working this session on passing a bill that would shield property records and other identifying information for domestic violence victims who have sought a protective order. In response to the #MeToo movement, the women's caucus put together policy recommendations to change the attitude around and practices concerning workplace harassment. I'm very proud to sign on to their efforts, and applaud them for persisting when they saw injustice.

Civil Rights
In addition, I have been one of the most vocal proponents of improving and expanding the civil rights and civil liberties for all Marylanders. I was an early and strident supporter of both the Maryland DREAM Act and Marriage Equality, and have worked with my colleagues to try and ban conversion therapy. However, there are still many civil rights issues facing us that I will continue to fight for, including transgender rights and employment issues for ex-offenders
