Issue Position: Limited Government

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

When government expands, freedom contracts. Frequently, there is a cry to do "something" to prevent or cause change. Anytime we ask the government to act, we take away the ability of the community to come together for a solution. We must limit the scope of state government so that you and your family may be free. I wish more people paid close attention to the incursions of the state into their lives. A limited government provides what is needed and no more. It doesn't pick winners and losers and doesn't take a right away from one to give it to another.

HB362: Increased government transparency
HJR13: Added transparency to the number of bill requests a lawmaker requested (2018)
SB122: Limited bonds to the amount authorized by voters (2018)
HB300: Protected the public interest and your privacy with police body cameras
HB349: Ended the practice of giving government employees convicted of a felony during their work a full pension (2016)
