Issue Position: Gun Sense

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Guns

We have a gun crisis in this country. Every Marylander should feel confident that their workplace, schools, and public spaces are safe from gun violence. While the facts of each individual shooting are unique, the reality is that states with stricter gun laws have fewer gun deaths. Maryland's laws are currently rated the sixth best in the country, so there is room for improvement. Here are some ways we can strengthen our laws and protect Marylanders:

Extend background checks to include purchases on long guns, and ammunition purchases;
Ban the possession of high-capacity magazines like those used in some of our nation's worst massacres;
Create a digitized database to safely monitor the ownership and transfer of firearms;
Clarify the law to ban the possession of silencers, sawed-off shotguns, and other federally designated "dangerous devices"; and
Empower local governments to pass smarter and safer gun laws that make sense for their communities.
