Issue Position: Passing Universal Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

"I believe healthcare is right, not a privilege reserved for the few. I'll fight to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. And I'll always stand up against any attempts to attack Planned Parenthood or restrict women's ability to make their own healthcare decisions." -- Jeff on Healthcare

In the House, Jeff helped pass the legislation to guarantee paid sick leave for workers. He also helped shore up the Affordable Care Act to ensure healthcare remains affordable and accessible. In the State Senate, Jeff will work to pass universal, single-payer healthcare.

Jeff's Record of Achievement:

Passed first-in-the-nation law to shore up the Obamacare markets
Co-sponsored universal, single-payer healthcare legislation
Passed mandatory, paid sick leave in Maryland
Defeated any and all attempts to restrict a woman's right to choose
Designated as "100% Pro-Choice Candidate" by NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland
