Issue Position: Mass Transit

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Transportation

Many citizens mentioned that Indy's public transit system is inadequate as a means to get to work and connect with other parts of the city, the state, the airport, and beyond. To turn things around, we must:

Take Immediate Action on Essential Mass Transit Needs
Work with IndyGo to add needed new bus routes that serve every part of our district at key times (including weekends) to connect workers to their jobs and residents to shopping areas;
Create rail and/or bus lines from a downtown hub to the airport and Southside;

Seek Funding to Develop a Quality Mass Transit System
Recognize that Indy has one of the weaker mass transit systems in the U.S. and that design of a regional, metro network is key to unlocking federal funds needed for a major upgrade.
Make sure that any metro-Indy mass transit plan serves our neighborhoods by connecting downtown to the South and Westside with all key points in the city and metro area and is voted on in a public referendum that gives you the final say;
