Issue Position: Tax Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Taxes

When I first ran for office, Minnesota had huge budget surpluses that reflected a government that was taking too much money from its citizens. In my first two terms, Republicans have helped deliver major tax relief for families.

This included

Exempting veteran pensions from all state taxes, the largest veteran tax cut in state history.

Cutting social security taxes for more than 200,000 Minnesota filers, and eliminating social security taxes
altogether for more than 80,000 filers.

A $500 tax credit for college graduates with student loan debt.

An agriculture tax credit to make school bond referendums more fair for farmers and agriculture landowners.

Freezing an automatic tax increase on Main Street businesses and so much more! The 2017 tax bill delivered the largest tax cut since 2000!

I also supported legislation in 2018 (unfortunately vetoed by the Governor) that would have lowered income taxes for the first time in two decades. That will be a major priority as we look ahead to next session.

When Minnesotans keep more of what they earn, our economy grows. I hope we will continue looking for ways to return more money to Minnesotans and make our tax climate more favorable for businesses so we can grow good-paying jobs and be more competitive with our neighbors.
