Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Education

A free public education is key to a robust democracy. Ignorance and neglect have crippling effects in a society. Schools are reflective of the communities they are part of. That means that there are stark realities that come to light in school assessments and data collection. We know there are huge disparities in performance for students based on income, education of families, stability of their homelife and opportunities accessible to them.
We must continue to provide a safe, high quality, accessible education to every Alaskan and we must start earlier. As a society we will only benefit from investing in early childhood issues. This includes supporting families needing childcare, parents needing guidance, and prevention and intervention programs to improve the lives of the very youngest Alaskans. Every dollar we invest in early education, interventions, opportunities and nutrition saves us money in the long run.
