Issue Position: Protecting Maryland's Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

Demanding clean water and air for our children and protecting our Bay
We owe it to our children to leave Maryland's environment in better shape than we found it. When it comes to the environment, I lead by example living in a carbon-neutral house, recycling more than I discard, and driving a hybrid vehicle.

In the legislature, and in my community, I have been a leading voice for protecting Maryland's unique environment for future generations.

Select accomplishments:

Sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to revitalize the Chesapeake Bay -- a national treasure and economic jewel of Maryland -- including taking action to limit storm water runoff, implement Smart Growth practices, close incentives for businesses to contaminate the Bay (and the environment at-large), and hold polluters responsible, as well as establish an oyster shell recycling program.

Introduced legislation to increase recycling at state office buildings and to expand the State's "green portfolio."
Supported incentives to businesses and individuals who reduce their carbon footprints and create next-generation energy jobs.

Supported initiatives to improve the air quality across our state such as the clean indoor and outdoor air acts.
Maintained a 97 percent lifetime environmental voting record; served as Chairman of the Legislative Bicycle Caucus; and identified opportunities to incentivize state employees to live healthy lifestyles and enjoy more time outdoors.
