Issue Position: Labor

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Labor Unions

With the approaching Supreme Court decision Janus v. AFSCME, the right of workers to organize is under attack all over the country. But as the recent teachers' strikes in West Virginia and around the country show, workers know how to fight back. As a proud union member, I know how important it is that every worker have a voice on the job and an advocate in disagreements with their employer. As a State Senator, I will fight to:
Extend the right to collective bargaining to all workers, including domestic workers and independent contractors.
Fight corporations like Airbnb that threaten working-class housing and union jobs.
Protect union jobs in the construction industry from abusive non-union contractors and developers.
Repeal restrictive Taylor Law conditions that limit public sector unions' ability to collectively bargain.
Find ways the government can support organizing drives at major employers to raise union density in New York.
