Issue Position: Opioid Crisis

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Drugs

I will continue my efforts to raise awareness about this deadly epidemic so we can make our communities safer and help people suffering from addiction. Comprehensive drug education in schools, sterile needle exchanges, and increasing access to life-saving medications like Naloxone, better known as Narcan, will help to prevent overdoses from turning into fatalities. We need to prioritize diversion programs, rehabilitation, and education to break the cycle of drug abuse.

I will support a program to incentivize business owners to hire recovering addicts and give them a way to provide for themselves.
I will spearhead the creation of a Joint Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction to help address the drug abuse, addiction and drug-related crimes in Connecticut.
I will hold community round tables on the issue in every town I serve to ensure that we are addressing the problem from the ground up by fostering communication between law enforcement, community leaders, and community organizations.
