Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Our education system in the Central Wisconsin area is one of the best in the state. The 2017-2019 budget that I supported will provide our schools the tools to continue this great work. I delivered on my commitment to give students everywhere an effective education by supporting a budget that made the largest investment ever in K-12 education. We increased state aid to school districts by $636 million, and more than $16 million in new money for special education and mental health services. I also supported a bill in the legislature that will provide increased sparsity aid funding. School districts with membership below 745 and a sparsity factor of fewer than 10 members per square mile will see an increase in per-pupil payments from $300 to $400, a total of $6,454,600 in the 2018-2019 school year. This will be of great benefit to rural schools across the state.
