Issue Position: Fighting for Farmers

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

It has been an amazing sight to watch Racine County change over the last 50 years. I remember when Racine was primarily an agriculture and manufacturing hub.

Racine County sure has grown.

However, we must never forget our past or our foundation. The foundation of our county is agriculture, dairy, and small shops like the ones in Husher. We have beautiful communities in Norway, Raymond, and Caledonia full of farmers that make their living through hard-work and dedication.

I promise to be your Representative in Madison. It is imperative that the focus of state resources don't all go to a few central locations but are enjoyed by many in rural areas. We will work to get you the skilled labor that you need to manage your operations, improve the quality of the schools that your children attend, and have quality roads that can get your product to market.

I will fight for you in our state capital.
