Issue Position: Creating a Quality Education for Every Student

Issue Position

I'm a concerned parent that worries about the future of my children. That's why I ran for the school board two years ago and became President of the Board of Education of the Racine Unified School District. Back when I ran, I stated that the most vital component of RUSD, the parents of its student population, did not have an adequate voice at the highest levels of leadership within the District. Through my experiences, I found that the leadership of RUSD does not govern with the same sense of urgency a parent with a child in the District requires. Since I have been on the School Board, we are getting more parents involved, test scores are improving, and are engaging more students so that they are career and college ready when they graduate. We partnered with Gateway Technical College and surrounding organizations to manage costs and be better stewards of taxpayer money.

But we aren't done. Our schools still need more work.

That's why I am running for the State Assembly. I am still a concerned parent trying to find solutions to improve our children's education, create an effective workforce, and reduce our taxes.

We need to find ways to keep our students safe in school. Parents should not have to fear about their children being hurt while they attend class.

I am proud of Governor Walker and the Assembly Republicans for freezing Wisconsin tuition and believe we need to keep it going! Let's keep college affordable and effective.

We must prepare our students for successful careers. Through effective k-12, students can be prepared for jobs or ready to attend our university system. Additionally, we must propose alternatives to the typical 4-year degree. Technical Colleges, certificate programs, and other job training solutions can provide students with different paths to quality employment.
