Issue Position: Urban Agriculture

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Milwaukee is a national leader in growing food locally and I want to ensure we continue this direction. In the 18th Assembly district, a wide diversity of urban agriculture has taken root.

Growing food has positively impacted inter-generational and inter-ethnic relationships, while promoting healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.

The importance of the urban agriculture movement in Milwaukee cannot be overstated. As our state and the entire country faces an obesity epidemic, growing food is a trend that should be celebrated and expanded. Unfortunately, access to healthy food is often most difficult for those of lesser means, so urban ag programs can improve the health and lives of all our city's residents, ensuring access to high-quality food for all.

I have served on the Agriculture Committee in the Legislature, to not only promote growing food in Milwaukee, but also to help bridge the divide between urban and rural Wisconsin, and I look forward to continuing this mission.
