Issue Position: Strengthening Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As an alumna of Benjamin Parker Elementary School, King Intermediate School and Castle High School, and a mother of children who will also attend these same schools, I know how important it is to support our public education system. I will work to ensure that DOE funding goes to the classrooms and schools. I will support teachers and educators by supporting pay increases and professional development.

Having worked professionally at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa for 12 years, I also understand the importance of higher education and how we should support our local students in obtaining a higher degree, if they choose to do so. I believe it is important to continue to provide opportunities for students to earn college credits while still in high school, as well as support the University of Hawaiʻi system, which includes the community colleges and four-year institutions. I will also work to provide support for vocational and technical education and training.

I believe it is important to support a strong preschool to college continuum.
