Issue Position: Human Trafficking

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

The definition of human trafficking according to is: "The illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation." It would be easy to assume this would never happen in your backyard, but I-20 is actually considered a trafficking superhighway. We must take steps to protect children, immigrants, and other vulnerable individuals. Here are some concrete steps Alabama can take to join the international fight against human trafficking:

Pass laws with stricter penalties for perpetrators.

Provide medical and psychological care, appropriate shelter, and legal assistance to victims. Also, help victims re-establish themselves in the workforce.

Provide training to state troopers and local law enforcement to help them spot victims of human trafficking on routine traffic stops, especially on our interstates.

Run a public awareness campaign to inform average citizens what they can do to join in the fight against human trafficking.

I will work on behalf of the citizens of our district to end modern day slavery in Alabama.
