Issue Position: Sustainability

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

We must balance economic growth with environmental preservation.

Our wealth comes not just from financial management, but from careful stewardship of our natural resources, which provide the foundation for our economic security. New economic development must be managed with care for future generations, who will inherit the results of today's public policy decisions.

Once elected, I will offer sustainable solutions to our economic and environmental problems. I will combat climate change by sponsoring legislation that makes clean energy affordable to all and ensures that our state achieves its goal of becoming 100 percent clean energy dependent by the year 2045.

I will work to lower energy costs by diversifying Hawai'i's energy portfolio and ensuring that savings obtained from renewable energy investments are passed on to consumers. I will also call for expanding access to electric vehicles, modernizing our state's power grid, and promoting high-paying green energy jobs, so that the benefits of a sustainable future are felt by all of Hawai'i's people.

We must also give our children the chance to practice the value of aloha 'āina, which means "love of the land." I will create educational opportunities for our keiki to learn about the cultural importance of sustainability by grounding public education in place-based knowledge.
