Issue Position: Creating Jobs at Home

Issue Position

Too many Illinoisans are still out of work, underemployed, or working multiple low-paying jobs just to make ends meet. Representative Kifowit knows it is important to support employers who create jobs in our communities and support our families with good-paying jobs. Kifowit co-sponsored Senate Bill 226 to increase the amount of American-made and Illinois-made products sold. In addition, she co-sponsored legislation that requires the State Police and other state agencies to buy and lease vehicles that are assembled in America.

To help workers that have been displaced or whose jobs have been moved overseas, Kifowit supported legislation to allow displaced, unemployed workers to apply for grants to attend college and retrain in a new field. She will continue to support initiatives that will put people back to work and jump start our local economy.

Kifowit co-sponsored legislation that is now law, to allow entrepreneurs to raise investment in small businesses from the internet with intra-state crowdfunding. This access to capital will help small businesses thrive and grow.
