Issue Position: Infrastructure

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

One day Illinois will have a comprehensive infrastructure plan that will provide needed improvements across the state. In the meantime we need to fight to keep the dollars that we already have and dollars that we think we should have. Recent policies enacted through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) have resulted in a reduction in dollars to local highway authorities.

As is the case with much of Springfield, local communities are paying for the excesses of state government through funding reductions. If elected I will work to find a policy solution to the problem of redistributing these funds so that the 89th District does not get shortchanged. The "lockbox" amendment to the Illinois Constitution will not have a positive impact for the 89th District if we are not able to receive an equitable share of the fees and taxes that comprise our state transportation funding.

Infrastructure maintenance and expansion is critical to growth in the 89th District. I will be a tireless advocate to build coalitions, find policy solutions and ensure fair funding in a way that addresses the transportation needs of the 89th District.
