Issue Position: Clean Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

If there is any issue that affects all Georgians, it's the environment. As global warming intensifies, the Atlanta area is experiencing record heat waves that require renewable energy in order to keep our environment safe and our bills cost effective for our families. Renewable energy investment is also good business.

In 2015, our leaders passed the Solar Power Free-Marketing Financing Act to help offset initial solar power costs for residents and businesses alike. It passed unanimously. But three years later, solar energy is still unaffordable as a private investment for families. We need to instill Renewable Portfolio Standards, one of the oldest and most successful advanced energy strategies, alongside expanding public access to solar energy for residential homes. And when we expand access to solar energy, we expand in job creation.

Additionally, my plan for mass transit expansion can and will decrease our state's expensive, polluting, and exclusive reliance on automobiles. To solve this problem, we have to invest in a mass transit system that will take our citizens to destinations all around the metro Atlanta area --including Cobb and Gwinnett Counties. While other states have adopted a statewide approach, Georgia has long stood beside the current county opt-in-or-out process. Just as we must update the formula by which we assess funding for public education, we must update the legislative framework by which we solve our systemic transit issues. It is no longer an option for our state to invest in mass transportation. It's mandatory.
