Issue Position: Well-Being | Empowerment

Issue Position

When you call, I'll answer. When you stop by, if available, we're sitting down to chat. I am not running because I am ambitious. I'm running for State Representative because I love you, and I want the best for you. I genuinely care about you and yours and I'd like to know what I can do to help you. That is the level of care that a lot of our politicians lack.

Let's talk about child care, let's brainstorm about public transportation in our district. I may not have to jurisdictional power to affect change in some areas - but I will know who does.

Majority of my time during a calendar year will be in my district - so it is imperative to me that I am involved in my district. Helping organizations and groups to push agendas that benefit the residents of the 67th district. That's the true essence of believing in the POWER of WE.
