Congressman Boyle Introduces the Clean Money Act

Press Release

Date: Oct. 12, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (PA-13) unveiled the Clean Money Act, his original legislation to replace big, special interest money in congressional campaigns with public financing.

Boyle's Clean Money Act would provide vouchers for TV, radio, digital, and direct mail advertising to candidates who agree to forgo big dollar donations. This approach to campaign finance reform would eliminate the need to fundraise for what typically is the biggest expense in congressional campaigns.

"I believe public service is a noble profession," said Boyle, "but let's face it: most of the public thinks Congress is bought and paid for by rich donors and special interests. It's something that voters in both parties believe. They no longer trust their elected officials to fight for them and work in the public interest. This must be urgently addressed -- not just with words -- but with bold action and real reforms."

The Clean Money Act has received strong endorsements from organizations fighting against government corruption and supporting the needs of citizens over special interests.

"Public Citizen strongly supports the Clean Money Act as a necessity to bringing sanity to our out-of-control election spending system," said Lisa Gilbert, Vice President of Legislative Affairs at the consumer and citizen advocacy organization Public Citizen. "If passed, this bill would free Members of Congress from the endless reelection money chase and allow them to focus on what they came to office to do--represent their voters."

"Communities and children suffer when corporate special interests and big money campaign donors get to make decisions about our environment, our schools, and our health care," said Aaron Scherb, Director of Legislative Affairs at the non-partisan watchdog organization Common Cause. "We commend Congressman Boyle for introducing the Clean Money Act to help empower the voices of ordinary Americans who can't hire a lobbyist or hold a high-dollar fundraiser."
