Issue Position: Public Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

The Texas State Legislature has made important progress in efforts to reform the way Texas schools are funded, but we still have work to do. ​

We must ensure that the gains we achieved in our most recent session can be funded in a sustained way. We must also change the paradigm around standardized testing and evaluation systems -- which is why I'm pushing for important reforms to be made to STAAR exams.

Funding a high-quality education system for our children is a top priority of mine. We need to evaluate our corporate tax structure and close corporate loopholes that drain our state's revenue to the detriment of critical areas like education funding.

Finally, education professionals are the backbone of our education system. It's time to give them a much-needed raise -- our teachers, support staff, and hard-working administrators. We must also ensure that retired teachers are given the benefits and protections they deserve.

If we make sensible, appropriate changes based on facts and data, we can guarantee a high-quality education for our children, reduce cost to tax-payers, and support the men and women who shape the minds of tomorrow's leaders.
