Issue Position: Government Spending

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Government spending in the United States has steadily increased from a mere seven percent of the GDP in 1902 to 40 percent today. No one in the early 1900's would have guessed how big government would grow to become and how many new spending "programs" would be introduced.

The economy, government spending and taxes have always been one of the key reasons I am serving today because it greatly affects Georgia's citizens.

Many are angered that the Federal Deficit will top $1.6 trillion this year alone, bringing our national debt to over $14 trillion. In the current economy, it's alarming. Each citizen's share of this debt now totals over $45,000.

There's no question that the Federal Government's reckless spending cannot go on forever. Many would do well to learn that low taxes are the result of low spending.

Conversely, the Republican majority at the state capitol will conclude our legislative session with a balanced budget. We'll make cuts, even tough ones, to keep the tax burden low. The state budget this year is 20% smaller on a per capita basis than when Sonny Perdue, the first Republican governor in modern history, was elected in 2003. Georgia's state budget ranks 49th per capita in the nation. We are proud to be one of the most fiscally conservative states in the nation. But we can do more.

Georgia families are working together to tighten their household budgets in this economy. They are prioritizing spending to match their most pressing needs and cutting spending where it is not necessary. There is no reason government should not do the same.

I believe we should always take a hard look at every dollar we spend, walk through the budget line-by-line and focus the People's tax dollars on what is most needed. And cut what is not essential. These conservative spending principles are never outdated, but in the current economy, they are even more crucial. Georgia families know best how to spend their hard-earned money. Not government. And that is why I am committed to being a wise, fiscal conservative who will fight to keep more money in the pockets of our Georgia families and less under the government "s thumb.
