Issue Position: Electing More Women

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Women Elections

Pennsylvania is second to last, only behind Mississippi, in electing women and so Mary Jo and her colleague Rep. Tina Davis banded together to change that. In 2015 they co-founded Emerge Pennsylvania. Emerge Pennsylvania is changing the face of PA politics by identifying, training and encouraging Democratic women to run for office, get elected and to seek higher office. Since its founding, Emerge Pennsylvania has trained more than 45 women, where 12 have gone on to run for office and 7 have won their elective seat. Women all across the country put their name on the ballot and ran in 2017 and now 2018 is shaping up to be the year of the woman --it's a movement--and Mary Jo is excited to be a part of the next blue wave.
Mary Jo and her husband, Bob Winkelman, live in Narberth where they enjoy gardening, reading and traveling. She has a grown daughter, a stepdaughter and a stepson as well as three beautiful grandchildren.
