Issue Position: Clean Air and Water

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

I have made it a priority to advance policies to ensure clean air and water. As a legislator, I have worked with a group of other legislators as part of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators to advance responsible policies to protect our environment. In the legislative session from 2003-2008, I repeatedly advanced policies to establish a state Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard so more of our energy comes from clean sources. A standard was finally passed in 2008. I have worked to protect that standard and to advance our job creating wind and solar industry in Ohio.
I have worked to protect our greatest resource Lake Erie. I was key in ensuring the adoption of the Great Lakes Compact in Ohio, limiting water withdrawals from the Lake Erie basin. I am sponsor of legislation calling for a state ban on oil and gas drilling in the bed of Lake Erie. I have worked to limit nutrient runoff, which pollutes our lake. I am sponsor of legislation banning the injection of fracking waste underground.
