Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Immigration

Without a doubt, the Trump Administration's immigration policies are adversely affecting our immigrant communities here in the PA 158th legislative district. When I am out meeting voters, I witness people living in fear, staying in their homes, doors locked and shades drawn. It breaks my heart to know that lives are being lived in the shadows due to xenophobic federal immigration policies.

Immigration policy is, unfortunately, the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, not the state government. I wholeheartedly disagree with all current federal immigration policies coming out of Washington. No family should be ripped apart. Children need to be with their parents. Asylum seekers should be welcome in our country. Individuals, children, and families, if detained, need to be treated humanely and given due process.

The role of a State Representative is to listen and serve as a voice in our state government. I am a firm believer in lawful immigration, and that we need to do more to facilitate lawful immigration of hard working, law-abiding Chester County residents. I will always be a support and a resource, bringing concerns to and working with federal legislators for the benefit of all Chester County residents.
