Issue Position: Good Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

A Colorado where prosperity is experienced by all begins with the ability to get and keep a good paying job. While Colorado's unemployment rate continues to remain low, more and more jobs fail to pay sufficient wages to keep up with the cost of living and many Coloradans who want work full-time are unable to do so. Additionally, fundamental rights such as the freedom to participate in a union and to earn paid sick and family leave are attacked each year at the state Capitol.

We need to elect a candidate who will promote and defend policies that create good paying jobs so that all Coloradans, not just a few, have a shot at entering and staying in the middle-class.

As your state representative, Tom will work with his colleagues to support Colorado's small businesses, invest in trade schools and vocational training, equal pay for equal work, and the right to earn and keep your hard earned benefits..
