Issue Position: Reforming Harrisburg

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

We have all witnessed the consequences of electing politicians who focus solely on preserving their jobs and protecting special interests, while remaining deaf to the needs of their constituents. No matter our political leanings, we have all experienced being on the receiving end of political gamesmanship. We have felt the frustration of promises upended. We have had enough of political expediency trumping difficult political decisions that could improve our lives and their lives of our loved ones.

The retention rate of representatives in Harrisburg is 97 percent. Imagine working a job, performing poorly, and having only a three percent chance of being fired. Harrisburg is broken, and we have the power to fix it. It's time to elect representatives who will put people ahead of politics.

As our representative, Liz will give voice to the concerns and priorities of her entire constituency. She will support a "no budget, no pay" law that stops legislators from being paid when they fail to do their job. Liz will work to ensure that public officials hold no more than one government job and that state legislators can not continue to take advantage of long-standing perks like per diems and free cars, and will fight back against Harrisburg's culture of corruption.
