Issue Position: Bud Cook's Local & International Plan to Create Jobs

Issue Position


Bud Cook has assembled a team of international business experts to assist his efforts in working with local businesses to assess their interests in doing business with counterpart foreign companies.
Many politicians only meet with companies when they find out that they are leaving the region, like SONY and formerly VW. For the most part -- regional state representatives are only interested in what taxes they can extract from existing businesses as opposed to helping small and medium sized businesses expand their product basis in developing "FAIR-TRADE" relationships, with foreign counterpart companies.
My competitor, at the last debate, -- stated that he would go to government (like Harrisburg) to find out about new business for the area. This statement shows a lack of knowledge of how to do business, "YOU DON'T DEPEND UPON GOVERNMENT TO DEVELOP NEW BUSINESSES." All government can do is provide tax abatements or give a grace-period, --not to pay taxes for 10-years as in KEYSTONE ZONES. Usually after the ten-year period is over these companies leave the region, e.g. SONY.
Bud Cook's team has designed a proven and effective survey, that has been used in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Grand Island, New York and North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning & Development Commission, etc. to determine what businesses are interested in expansion of their businesses. Bud's team has been in contact with several businesses to expand and create new jobs in the MON VALLEY, in the area of new environmentally sound recycled products.
Bud Cook's Team (My Team) has brought foreign consulate representatives to Pennsylvania (North Central Pennsylvania) to create fair-trade relationships from Czech Republic, Poland, etc. Unfortunately, local appointed bureaucrats know nothing about international business relationships or diplomatic practice or policies.
It may be a futile effort to ask my competitor to define the following, but these definitions are worth knowing for Bud:
What is "Reverse Trade investment?" Foreign companies come to the USA to team with local companies.
What is "Reverse Trade Mission?" Several Foreign industrial groups and businesses come to the USA to develop trade relationships.
What is the "Open World program?" Students, businesses and bureaucrats come to the USA to learn about our method of doing business and commerce.
What is a "General Purpose, Foreign-Trade Zone?" Foreign-trade zones (FTZ) are secure areas under U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) supervision
What is a CONSUL GENERAL?" An office in the USA for foreign governments to conduct business like visas, commercial trade, and trade missions, etc.
What is FAIR-TRADE PRACTICE?" Where all parties have equal benefits, not one-sided like NAFTA (North American Free-Trade Agreement)
What is a "SISTER CITY" program? Where cities from foreign countries become cities with local communities in the USA and become knowledgeable of each other's resources to become partners in trade, law enforcement, education, etc. The Bud Cook team will explore this opportunity for local cities in the Mon Valley and the 49th Legislative District.
What is a "SISTER COUNTY" program" Where county governments join in partnerships like the sister city program. Example; Bergen County, N.J. is the sister County of Bergan, Norway, and the sister state of New Jersey is the Sister State of Alagoas in Brazil. Same as Sister City, Sister County.
What is an exempted area from paying federal tariffs until the products enter the territory of the United States of America? General Purpose, Foreign-Trade Zone and/or a Sub-Zone.
How can Tariffs be reduced on foreign products? By incorporating U.S.A. local labor into completing the fabrication of the product or assemblies of the same.
Should a local county or regional government utilize the services of the U.S. State Department for international trade purposes? Recommendation at this time NO. It is better to deal with foreign governments directly, come to an initial agreement first and then work with county, state or federal involvement, if necessary, for additional incentives.
FOR THE RECORD: Bud Cook's team members have successfully applied for and was granted several General Purpose, Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ), namely;

FTZ 23G, Grand Island, Erie County, New York

FTZ 167, Brown County, Green Bay Wisconsin, Austin Straubel Airport.

FTZ 254, North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning & Development Commission

PROPOSED BUD COOK's Jobs Plan of Action

My name is Bud Cook and I am the Republican candidate running for the 49th Legislative District a.k.a. "The Non Valley region.

I have a four-point realistic plan to coordinate and create jobs in the Mon Valley, --where applicable, with those businesses and industries who are interested.

It is my intention, as soon as I take office, to have my specialized team meet with various businesses and industries in the Mon Valley to determine what their marketing and sales needs are and how my team can help. My team, with the cooperation of the businesses and industries involved will then target one of several areas of interest to create jobs, namely;

Target 1. Arrange for the local businesses to determine what counter-part company's or industries have the same product(s) interests in expanding their marketplace with national businesses. Arrange for a potential introduction between businesses and assist them in a management and marketing relationship.

Target 2. Introduce local businesses to the Federal government and Military markets through the Commerce Business Daily, (a federal government publication), the Government Area Coordination Office (GACO) in the Mon Valley and the Society of American Military Engineers, --to determine how local businesses can realistically access said markets to create jobs.

Target 3. Introduce local businesses to counterpart companies located in the international marketplace through foreign consulates and embassies in New York City and Washington, D.C. This proven marketing activity will be directed between Commercial Attaches and Trade Commissioners with local businesses to create jobs.

Target 4. My team is presently working with new technologies that have application in the Mon Valley and the Ohio River Valley, in the area of recycling waste materials into building materials. Since we are in the discussion stages, I cannot provide more information at this time. However, my team will be meeting with the management of this organization in January of 2017, to conclude an agreement. This project will create new jobs for the benefit of our region.

"This is why I am asking you for your vote on November 8th, so these marketing and management programs will help to solve some of the problems of our region by creating very needed jobs and commerce."
