Issue Position : Equality

Issue Position

As a professional woman in a STEM field, Sarah has faced gender equality issues personally and head on. She will continue to fight for women's rights, and continue to be an ally to those facing all other types of discrimination.
While Sarah presents as somewhat of a white-picket-fence family, with 2.5 children and a dog, this is not all that she is. She came out to her family at the age of 16 as bisexual, and has been an ally and member of the LGBTQIA+ community since then.
Sarah will continue to include and promote the voices and perspectives of people and communities of color. She supports efforts to break down institutional barriers, like continuing to expand the use of body cameras on uniformed officers and cutting down on mass incarceration practices. Sarah is a supporter of immigration reform that keeps families together, brings hard-working people out of the shadows and into legal status, and honors our tradition of welcoming those who want to contribute to our country and/or are fleeing unspeakable violence in their homeland.
