Issue Position: Transportation

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Transportation

Equitable transportation is a priority for me, which is why I serve as Transportation Committee Vice-Chair. New transportation investments must directly address the historic segregation and unequal opportunities caused by our past transportation and development policies. Our region is growing and lower income people are being pushed further out of central Seattle. It is critical that we have a transportation system that serves all communities in our region - regardless of income level. I have fought for transportation equity in the 37th district and continue to do this work as your State Senator.

We also need to look at additional funding options for transportation. I support an equitable carbon policy that would generate new revenues. Some of these should be invested to advance carbon neutral transportation choices. Working together we need to create a state-owned infrastructure bank so that we can leverage more revenue out of our bonded projects. Instead of sending our taxpayer dollars to Wall Street to service debt, we can keep that money in Washington to invest in our communities.
