Issue Position: Protecting Our Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Environment

Clean Air & Safe Water. Every person deserves to breathe clean air and have safe, drinkable water. This should not be a privilege, but a right. Our government has a unique and non-delegable role to play in ensuring a safe and protected environment. For too long now, Republicans have allowed corporations to increase and pocket their profits while forcing taxpayers to clean-up after their environmental damage. As one example, Republicans have refused to hold Duke Energy accountable for the coal ash spill of 2014 and passed the costs on to taxpayers. North Carolinians deserve better from corporations and from our elected officials who are often looking out for their interests rather than the public at large.

Stronger Legislation. We need laws that:

Support and encourage companies to expand into renewable sources of energy
Allows citizens to purchase clean and renewable energies, such as wind and solar from third parties
Provide tax credits to those companies and families that invest in renewable energies
Require companies to bear all of the burdens for cleaning up the environmental disasters they have caused in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner
