Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

North Carolina's economy should be one of sustainable and balanced growth, where everyone that works hard, and plays by the rules has the same opportunities to be successful. As the wife of an economist, I believe in the free-market; but in the interest of the public good, I do understand that some regulation is necessary.

Making sure that North Carolina can compete across the country and around the globe is crucial to our economic success. That's why I believe we need to invest in a workforce that not only protects the jobs we already have, but promotes growth in new and modern fields of work.

I support growing our skilled labor to meet the needs of North Carolina's competitive business climate. That's why I advocate for the increase in funding for vocational training in our high schools and community colleges. The North Carolina community college system is a valuable resource for our students and should be given more investment and attention by our government leaders.

When it comes to growing businesses on main street, I understand that moderation is key. Incentives should be offered to those that take on risk in the pursuit of a better life. Excellence should be rewarded and those businesses that provide jobs for everyday North Carolinians should benefit from a lower tax rate.

At the end of the day, I want a North Carolina economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.
