Issue Position: Economy and Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

As a small business owner in Union County, keeping our taxes low and supporting our local businesses is paramount to maintaining a health economy. Government doesn't create jobs, small businesses do. I am fortunate to serve on the Union County-Monroe Economic Development Commission and work to help attract quality businesses and jobs to our county. We must continue to work to increase our commercial tax base so that the residents do not continue to shoulder 85% of the taxes. North Carolina has been ranked the #1 state in the US in which to do business, and I feel that Union County is strategically positioned to become the #1 county in North Carolina for the same thing.

One of the many things that make our county amazing is its wide array of people and industry. Many do not know this, but we are a leader in agriculture in the state. We must support this sector of our economy through trade promotion and ending burdensome regulations so that our economy can continue to grow.

As a county commissioner, I supported and led the charge to cut property taxes and never supported raising taxes because I feel that our citizens are maxed out. There are plenty of places to cut wasteful spending before raising taxes. While state taxes are the lowest they have been in a long time, I believe we can continue to curtail wasteful spending. In government, revenue is rarely the problem, spending is the problem. I have a proven track record of thrift with the public's tax dollar and will continue this record in Raleigh.
